World War II: The European Theater


RaD, CU Boulder Libraries

Exhibit World War Two Stars and Stripes Newspaper (002) - Cooper Campisi.jpg

RaD, CU Boulder Libraries

Photograph - Cooper Campisi.jpg

RaD, CU Boulder Libraries

Stars and Stripes

The Stars and Stripes newspaper was founded in 1861, with its first newspaper published on November 9. The Stars and Stripes was an American military newspaper that was created to report on any issues or events involving the United States Military.  This issue is important because it is covering all of the news concerning the end of the war. One of the big stories in this issue is the conditional surrender of the Third Reich. The most interesting new story in this section is the final battle of the war where the Russians fought Germany as the Americans watched.

Every war is violent, brutal and horrific; there is no such thing as a nice war. World War Two in particular was extremely violent. This war included horrific events such as the bombing of Pear Harbour, The Holocaust, D-Day, etc.

If there is anything that this photo can say it would be that if you were captured by the country you were fighting for there was little mercy.  In this example, “Nazi Spy Pays Supreme Penalty,” a German spy had been caught by the U.S army. In response to finding out that he was a spy, they sentenced him to death.

- Cooper Campisi

World War II: The European Theater