Spain and Portugal during the Golden Age

Curated by the students of Professor Céline Dauverd's Golden Age Spain and Portugal, this exhibit looks at the medieval Iberian Peninsula.  Convivencia prevailed from the Ummayad conquest of Iberia through the through the late fifteenth century, when the Spanish monarchs solidified their nation through the unification of Castile and Aragón.  

This exhibit highlights rare manuscripts, print, and engravings of the medieval through early modern Iberian Peninsula held by CU Boulder Libraries' Rare and Distinctive Collections.  The following pages explore eight centuries of the regions' arts, sciences, literature, and the religion and philosophy of the region. 

Banner illustration: detail, Jules Goury, Plans, Elevations, Sections, and Details of the Alhambra from Drawings Taken on the Spot in 1834 by Jules Goury and in 1834 and 1837 by Owen Jones (London, 1842-45).  Rare and Distinctive Collections, CU Boulder Libraries.


Curated by the students of Professor Céline Dauverd's Golden Age Spain and Portugal and by Susan Guinn-Chipman and Sean Babbs of Rare and Distinctive Collections, CU Boulder Libraries.